Locally Produced
All Green
Searles® Rose Pro Concentrate - 200ml

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It has a broad range of target insects including aphids, thrips, caterpillars, budworm, two spotted mite and whitefly by contact spraying or through stomach action.
Rose ProTM concentrate must be diluted in water before use and sprayed onto the foliage of the plant. Insect pests are best sprayed directly for effective control - simply spraying the leaf is unlikely to control many insect pests.
For maximum effectiveness, do not apply if rain is expected within 24 hours, if temperatures are exceeding 30° C or if plants are suffering from moisture stress. This product is classified as non-hazardous according to criteria of NOHSC.
Active Constituents:
9.6g/Lt Tau-Fluvalinate, 4.4g/Lt Myclobutanil

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